Wednesday 16 September 2020

 Dear HDB owners,

Do you know that you are sitting on a GOLD Mine, which can unlock an early retirement with passive income ?

If you have a household income of $7,000 or more, you can UPGRADE to a private condominium without touching any of your savings.

And for those who earn $10,000 or more  income, you can even start owning PASSIVE INCOME generated from investment properties.

Do you want to be like them ?

Have you ever wondered how did they do it ?

When can you upgrade too ?

What if I tell you that you are not alone in this search?

Many HDB owners who earned $7,000 or more have approached me before with similar concerns.

It is not new to see many of them in their late 20s to 40s, need assistance in this area.

With my clear and fact based insights, we implement a step-by-step Property Wealth Planning™ strategy to guide them, and many of them have since upgraded comfortably to private properties, and some have even created passive income streams with a clear investment road map for the next 5 to 10 years.

This could change your life if you could do the same.

Financial freedom and a comfortable retirement is possible for you if you know how to manage and go about doing it.

What you do today can have ripple effects on your FINANCIAL FUTURE.

Let’s meet up for a FREE and NON- OBLIGATORY Property Wealth Planning (PWP)™ consultation session.

Property Wealth Planning (PWP)™ has been helping property owners like yourself to increase your wealth accumulation capabilities and to plan for your financial future.

Do join the many thousands of property owners who have benefitted from this PWP approach to a low risk and systematic investment plan.

In my sharing session, I will cover these topics :

Some Past Case Studies for Your Reference


Real Life Case Study #1
(HDB Owner)

Mr and Mrs Lim, both 34 years old, were owners of a 4 room HDB flat. They sought me out to sell their HDB to buy a resale Executive Maisonette.

Upgrade to condo

Property Wealth Planning™

After doing a detailed financial analysis with them, and based on the results, we recommended some methods to help them accumulate wealth without just relying on income.

Make Money Work For You

With our proven Property Wealth Planning™ strategies, they have upgraded to a condominium without touching any of their savings.

And they have also set aside $200,000 in a rainy day fund.

With my systematic investment road map, they even managed to buy another investment property 6 months later.

Upgrade to condo

Real Life Case Study #2

(Condominium Owner)

Mr and Mrs Chai, with a combined income of $9K, sought my advice for selling their older 2 room condominium to upgrade to a newer 3 room condominium.

sell hdb

Property Wealth Planning™

After a detailed analysing of the financial status, we found that they could achieve more than an upgrade, in fact they can buy 2 properties.

Today, they own 2 condominiums and have $300K cash set aside in a rainy day fund.

Smart Strategies Backed by Research

By using low risk and systematic Property Wealth Planning strategies, they are now paying a smaller monthly installments than if they had chosen to just upgrade to a 3 room condominium.

With 2 condos, they can now rent 1 out and get rental income from their investment property.

My HDB is almost fully paid up. Why should I upgrade?

The Right Method in Using Your CPF Can Make or Break Your Financial Future

By putting all your CPF funds into your HDB, you are actually losing more of your wealth.

With your CPF withdrawn and put into your HDB flat, you:


If $200,000 CPF funds was withdrawn to pay for your HDB, at the end of 5 years, you lose $26,600 in interest earnings. (2.5% compiled interest)

In addition to that, if you sell your HDB after 5 years, you would have to return $226,600 to CPF instead of the $200,000 withdrawn earlier. This means you receive $26,600 less cash proceeds from your total sales proceeds.

To summarize, the longer you hold on to a HDB flat paid using CPF funds, the less interest you would have earn AND less cash proceeds you will receive when you sell your HDB.

Is this outcome preventable? Yes, do make an e-appointment with me to find out more!

New Financial Possibilities Await You

Many of my clients assume that their dream properties are out of their reach due to worries like age, income, risks etc.

As a Property Wealth Planner™, I provide well-researched analysis to lower your risks and offer creative solutions customized for you.

Sadly, some of my clients have missed their chance and wished that I should have been there then to advise them.

Do you want to have the same regrets when you look back 10 years later?

With Property Wealth Planning™ strategies and a guided investment road map from me, you can:


At this point, all I ask from you is only 1 hour of your time. That’s it and you can transform your life.

After the hour, you can choose to either walk away and ignore what I said or ……


As an investor myself and with FIELD-TESTED and PROVEN Property Wealth Planning™ strategies, I will offer you a step by step guide to UPGRADE and make your property work for you.

Get this limited period 1-time FREE consultation where I will share with you how I have helped many clients, who were in the same situation, grow their wealth. Book an e-appointment with me now.